помогите пожалуйста переделать предложения в страдательный залог
1. The teacher corrects our exercises. 2. The girl rang the bell. 3. Mr. Green controls a big business. 4. He broke the window yesterday. 5. Most people heard this story. 6. The soldiers defended she city bravery. 7. The postman delivers the letters. 8. I can finish this work. 9. I spent the money. 10. Everybody forgets that. 11. Mr. Eckersley teaches shat class. 12. Mary cooked the dinner.​


Ответ дал: KvashkaAndSequt
  1. Our exercises are corrected by the teacher.
  2. The bell was rung by the girl.
  3. A big business is controlled by Mr. Green.
  4. The window was broken by him yesterday.
  5. This story was heard by most people.
  6. The city was bravely defended by the soldiers.
  7. The letters are delivered by the postman.
  8. This work can be finished by me.
  9. The money was spent by me.
  10. That is forgotten by everybody.
  11. That class is taught by Mr. Eckersley.
  12. The dinner was cooked by Mary.
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