Task 1. Complete the sentences with the given words (each correct option *0,25. Total - 2 points) dark train fans beautiful monkey musician friendly plane Tom's brother Erik is a 1. music and plays the 2. 4. 5. He writes a very hair and blue eyes. He has got a lot of who go on his concerts. He often travels violine. Erik is person with 3. around the world but never flies by 6. prefers travelling by 7. funny 8. with him. He Erik has a little Chiko which he takes on all trips​



Ответ дал: anastsiadonets2005


Tom's brother Erik is a 1. musician and plays the 2. violin. He writes a very 4. beautiful hair and has blue eyes. He has got a lot of 5. fans who go to his concerts. He often travels around the world but never flies by 6. plane. He prefers traveling by 7. train. Erik is a 8. friendly person and people enjoy being with him. Erik has a little Chiko which he takes on all trips.

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