7 клас Англійська мова
Написати своїх 6 речень з one/ones !!!
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Ответ дал: JacksonMD


1. I have two options for vacation destinations: one is a beach resort, and the other one is a mountain retreat.

2. Out of all the books I've read this year, the mystery novel was the best one.

3. I love wearing comfortable shoes, and these new ones I bought are perfect for long walks.

4. The blue shirt is nice, but I prefer the white one.

5. I have two cats, and the playful one is always causing mischief around the house.

6. I have several pens, but the red one is my favorite to write with.


Ответ дал: den0ponee
1. have two options for vacation destinations: one is a beach resort, and the other one is a mountain retreat.
2. Out of all the books I've read this year, the mystery novel was the best one.
3. I love wearing comfortable shoes, and these new ones I bought are perfect for long walks.
4. The blue shirt is nice, but I prefer the white one.
5. I have two cats, and the playful one is always causing mischief around the house.
6. I have several pens, but the red one is my favorite to write with.
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