Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets. Use Future Simple (will + base form of the verb) or Be going to + base form of the verb.

Example: I ___ (watch) …

You write: will watch / am going to watch

- Hi, Anna. We have some plans for tonight. We ............ a movie about James Bond tonight. (WATCH) Do you want to come with us?
- You ............... (SEE) the last part, right?
- No, it will be the second part – “From Russia with Love”.
- Great! But I think I ............ busy. (BE) My mom asked me to help her about the house.
- What a pity! Maybe you can join at 7 pm.
- I’m not sure I ........... on time. (COME)
- Join us any time. It will be fun. We have a lot of plans. I ............ sandwiches. (MAKE) Alice ........... her board games. (BRING)


Ответ дал: tatasadovnikova

Ответ: We are going to watch a movie

will you see....

will be busy

I will come

I'm going to make

is going to bring


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