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Ответ дал: sashaorlov002

1. The fans got completely carried 1) away when their team scored in the last minute.

2. Neil was reading the newspaper when he came 2) across an article about an old friend of his.

3. When Lucy's uncle died she came 3) into a lot of money.

4. Sue asked Rick and Claire to come 4) round for dinner tonight.

5. Danny carried his speech 5) off perfectly.

6. Jason is going to carry 6) on the business after his father retires.

7. The author has a new novel coming 7) out next week.

8. Liz has come 8) up with an excellent solution to our problem.

9. Doctors will carry 9) out more tests to find out what the problem.

10. John is ill; he has come 10) down with chickenpox.

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