Complete the sentences with negative forms of the underlined verbs and some or any.
1 I put some tomatoes on top of a pizza but I basil.
2 There are some onions in the bag but there. eggs in the carton.
3 I know some vlogs but I vloggers.
4 Sheila posts some photos on Instagram but she
5 We have some bread but we cheese. videos on YouTube.​



Ответ дал: eolenyak

Ответ:1 I put some tomatoes on top of a pizza but I didn't put basil.

2 There are some onions in the bag but there aren't any eggs in the carton.

3 I know some vlogs but I don't know any vloggers.

4 Sheila posts some photos on Instagram but she didn't post any videos on YouTube.​

5 We have some bread but we didn't have any cheese. videos on YouTube.​


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