3. Make sentences into reported speech.

1. We asked the Purchasing Manager, ‘Did you call the supplier yesterday?’
2. They asked the Project Manager, ‘How many subsidiaries will participate?’
3. He said do me, ‘I think you ought to see the lawyer’.
4. The Office Manager said to the clerk, ‘Send the letter immediately!’
5. He said, ‘The old equipment must be replaced even if it requires a lot of money.’


Ответ дал: Max8285

1. We asked the Purchasing Manager if he had called the supplier the previous day.

2. They asked the Project Manager how many subsidiaries would participate.

3. He told me that he thought I ought to see the lawyer.

4. The Office Manager instructed the clerk to send the letter immediately.

5. He stated that the old equipment had to be replaced even if it required a lot of money.

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