Choose the correct answer. 27 Jacques speaks with a French..... A announcement B accent 28 How do you.....the word brought in English? A whisper B announce 29 Local residents are ...... about the park being closed. A protesting B committing 30 Don't blame Carl .......being late. It wasn't his fault A on B in C for D with 31 We're collecting money for a local .........Could you spare a couple of euros? A tradition C situation B culture D charity 32 The bank in the high street was...... again yesterday. A stolen B broken C robbed D taken 33 I only glance.........his face,so I can't really remember what he looks like. A to B at C on D by .34 If something is illegal, it's against the ...... A law B society C government D rule
Help please
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Ответ дал: jokerwild443


27. accent

28. pronounce

29. protesting

30. for

31. charity

32. robbed

33. at

34. law


Ответ дал: Iwan311

Відповідь: 27-B 28-A 29-A 30-B 31-C 32-C 33-B 34-D


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