Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

soft, lyrics, catchy, energetic, mainstream, slow, put, chill, voice, funky

1. I think cafés should play______and relaxing music without strong beats.

2. I always listen to my playlist with_______songs when doing my homework.

3. My mum loves this song because it has cool,_____

4. Then came a_______song and my classmate asked me to dance with him.

5. I will play only________music at my birthday party because I want to dance!

6. He's very popular and writes_______

7. This song is so______It is playing in my head all day.

8. It was our first date, and he _______romantic music on.

9. She broke up with her boyfriend, so the ________ of her last song are really

10. I can't stop listening to his songs. He has a deep and unique______

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Ответ дал: UmbradeScaal
  1. I think cafés should play soft and relaxing music without strong beats.
  2. I always listen to my playlist with chill songs when doing my homework.
  3. My mum loves this song because it has cool, funky beats.
  4. Then came a catchy song and my classmate asked me to dance with him.
  5. I will play only energetic music at my birthday party because I want to dance!
  6. He's very popular and writes mainstream songs.
  7. This song is so catchy. It is playing in my head all day.
  8. It was our first date, and he put romantic music on.
  9. She broke up with her boyfriend, so the lyrics of her last song are really soft.
  10. I can't stop listening to his songs. He has a deep and unique voice.
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