After she (pack) her suitcase she (call) the taxi.

2. The exam (finish) by the time he (get) to school.

3. Before he (get) to the cinema, he (buy) a bag of crisps

4. Emmy (brush) her teeth before she (go) to bed.


5. Before the baby (wake up) my granny (finish) doing lunch.

6. After they (visit) the zoo, the children (take) a photo in front of the entrance.

7. 1 (be) very tired because I (study) hard.

8. He (call) his sister before he (go) to the party?

9. My brother (not come) to school yesterday because his father (not be able) to leave

10. You (take) your school bag before the teacher (lock) the classroom?


Ответ дал: darkosnef

After she packed her suitcase, she called the taxi.

The exam finished by the time he got to school.

Before he got to the cinema, he bought a bag of crisps.

Emmy brushed her teeth before she went to bed.

Before the baby woke up, my granny finished doing lunch.

After they visited the zoo, the children took a photo in front of the entrance.

I was very tired because I had studied hard.

Did he call his sister before he went to the party?

My brother did not come to school yesterday because his father was not able to leave.

Did you take your school bag before the teacher locked the classroom?

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