Graham____ the fence for half an hour when he realised he was painting the wrong fence.
a. was painting
b. had painted
C. painted
d. had been painting
2. Paul_____ the theatre by eight o' clock. a. had been leaving
b. left
c. was leaving
d. had left
3. I was so exhausted last night that I___ asleep immediately.
a. fell
b. had fallen
c. was falling
d. had been falling
4. After the children____for school, Mum tidied up the house.
a. leaving
b. had been leaving
c. had left
d. were leaving
5. When Doris____she had passed her university exams, she was thrilled.
a. had been learning
b. learnt
c. was learning
d. had learnt
6. ____for the bus when you witnessed the accident?
a. Did you wait
b. Had you waited
c. Were you waiting
d. Had you been waiting
7. Last summer we___swimming every day.
a. went
b. had gone
с. were going
d. had been going ​

nolikov: (1) Many
(2) The
(3) According to a
(4) were
(5) When
(6) hold a
(7) any
(8) have
nolikov: это то вопрос где фотка была
nolikov: надеюсь помог
sasha68283737: спасибо огромное
sasha68283737: да ты очень помог!!


Ответ дал: nolikov


1. a. was painting

2. d. had left

3. a. fell

4. c. had left

5. d. had learnt

6. c. Were you waiting

7. d. had been going

sasha68283737: можешь помочь мне с другим заданием?
Ответ дал: Ljuaduahz








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