Сделайте предложение до каждых из тем. Дам 30 балов
5. Speak about your favourite genre of literature.
• What are some of examples of works you like from this genre?
• Why are these examples good representatives of this genre?
• What does your favourite genre say about your personality?
6. Supermarkets are becoming more widespread and popular in the modern world, while traditional markets (bazaars) are becoming less common.
• Where do you or your family do most food shopping?
• What advantages and disadvantages do you see with modern supermarkets?
• Do you think that traditional markets will disappear? Why or why not?
7. Zoos and ecological parks are popular in many countries of the world with both children and adults alike.
• What do you think the purpose of a zoo is?
• Are these reasons valid? Why or why not?
• Should there be international standards that zoos must comply with? Please explain.

8. If you had a week to travel out of your native country and endless supply of money where would you want to go, and how would you get there?
• Would you travel alone, with a few people, or with many people? Why?
• What are the top three things you would do in each place and why?
• What does your travel style say about your personality?
9. The way people decorate their rooms usually says something about their personality.
• Give a brief description of your room.
• What do you think your room says about your personality?
• How important is the decoration of your room to you?
10. You are starting your own band.
• What kind of music would you play? Why?
• Who would be in your band? What instruments would they play?
• What would your songs be about?
11. There are thousands of different professions in the world.
• What professions are extremely important to the well-being of society? Explain why.
• How might the word be different if these professions did not exist?
• Is it important to choose a profession based on its significance to society? Why?
12. You are at a job interview and are asked to describe yourself. What will you say?
• What kind of character do you have?
• How do you get along with other people?
• What are your strong and weak points?
13. Music influences different people in different ways.
• What type of music influences you the most? How?
• Which musician has had the greatest impact on you? Why?
• How is the music of your generation different from the music your parents listened to?
14 Describe a resent book that you have read or a movie you have seen.
• Why was this book or movie interesting?
• Who were the characters? Describe them.
• If you could change the ending, would you? Why or why not?

15. Consider what your life will be like in 10 years.
• Where will you be living?
• What type of job will you have?
• Will you have a family? If so, describe it. If not, explain why.
16. Your pen-pal is planning to take a tour of Ukraine this summer and wants to know what there is to see and do. What would you recommend?
• Why would you recommend these places?
• How are these places interesting and what can one do there?
• What is the most important place in Ukraine to visit and why.
17. A renowned publisher has given you an opportunity to write a book and have it published. What would you write about?
• What would be on the cover of your book? What would its title be?
• What genre of books do you find most interesting? Why?
• What kind of obstacles might you need to overcome when writing your book?
18. Do you think exercise should be an important part of every person’s life?
• Do you do any sports? Dance? Go jogging? Do you like exercise?
• Can you see any difference in the people around you who exercise and those who do not?
• What are the benefits of regular exercise?
19. Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
What do you think he meant when he said it? Do you agree with the statement? Why or why not?
• What advice would you give to someone who is trying to pursue his dreams?
• Do you think that determination or ability is a more important characteristic when pursuing your dreams? Why?
• Some people argue that the circumstances of your birth (such as family, place of birth…) are more important than any subjective character traits like ability or determination. Do you agree with this position? Why or why not?
20. If you could have any talent that you don’t already possess, what would it be?
• Why is this talent so important for you to have?
• How would you use it?
• Do you feel it is more important to gain talents through hard work or through natural ability?


Ответ дал: Volkfcj

My favorite genre is fantasy. Examples of works I like include "Harry Potter" and "The Lord of the Rings." They are good representatives of the genre due to their imaginative worlds and epic adventures. My favorite genre reflects my imaginative personality.

My family shops mostly at supermarkets. Advantages include convenience and variety, but there are downsides like impersonality and environmental impact. Traditional markets may decline, but won't disappear due to cultural value.

Zoos educate, conserve, and entertain. The reasons are valid depending on animal welfare and education. International standards for zoos are necessary for ethical treatment.

With endless money, I'd go to Japan. I prefer to travel with a few people. In Kyoto, I'd explore temples; in Tokyo, experience city life; in Hiroshima, learn history. My travel style shows my adventurous and curious personality.

My room is minimalist with neutral colors. It suggests simplicity and organization. Room decoration is moderately important for me.

I'd play alternative rock in my band. It's energetic and expressive. Band members would play various instruments. Our songs would cover personal experiences, social issues, and emotions.

Professions like doctors, teachers, and firefighters are crucial for society's well-being. Without them, healthcare, education, and emergency response would suffer. Considering a profession's significance can contribute to making a positive impact.

I'd describe myself as motivated, adaptable, and getting along well with others. My strong points include problem-solving and effective communication. I'm sometimes overly meticulous.

Classical music influences me the most, helping me relax and focus. Beethoven has had the greatest impact due to his emotional compositions. Music of my generation differs from my parents', reflecting evolving tastes and cultural shifts.

I recently read "The Great Gatsby." It was interesting due to its exploration of the Jazz Age, flawed characters, and the American Dream. Characters like Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, and Nick Carraway represent different aspects of society. I wouldn't change the ending.

In 10 years, I see myself living in a vibrant city, working in a creative field, and possibly having a small family.

I recommend my pen-pal to visit Kyiv, Lviv, and Odesa in Ukraine. These places offer history, architecture, cultural festivals, and beaches. Kyiv is the most important to visit due to its significance as the capital.

I would write a book about human connections and empathy. The cover would symbolize understanding. Fiction is the most interesting genre for me. Obstacles include finding a unique perspective and resonating with readers.

Exercise should be important for everyone. I engage in jogging and yoga, which benefits physical and mental health. Those who exercise show more energy and vitality. Benefits include cardiovascular health, strength, stress reduction, and improved mood.

Walt Disney meant that courage and determination can make dreams come true. I agree, and advise pursuing goals with focus and embracing failures. Natural ability and circumstances also play a role.

If I could have any talent, it would be playing the piano. It's important for expressing myself and connecting through music. I'd use it creatively and collaborate with other musicians. Hard work and dedication are essential for talent development.

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