Open the brackets and write the correct form of the Infinitive.

1. The doctor wanted the patient___.

a) to examine
b) to be examined
c) being examined

2. There are a lot of people who expect your country ___ the same as their own.

a) not to be
b) not being
c) not be

3. Did you hear the chairman ___ an announcement?

a) to make
b) making
c) be made

4. When I was waiting in the hall, I saw a girl___ with a file in her hand.

a) came out
b) to come out
c) come out

5. Nobody expected the president of the company___to the party.

a) coming
b) to come
c) come

6. I saw him __ round the corner and___.

a) turn, disappear
b) to turn, to disappear
c) turning, disappearing

7. She noticed the children__behind the tree but pretended to see nothing.

a) hiding
b) to hide
c) to be hidden

8. I want his article __ in November.

a) to publish
b) to be published
c) publishing

9. He did not expect her ___ about it.

a) to be asked
b) ask
c) interrupt​


Ответ дал: Аноним

1. B
2. A
3. B
4 A
5. B
6 C
7 A
8 B
9 C
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