a Circle the correct form. Have you ever seen Did you ever see a Japanese film? 1 I haven't finished / didn't finish this book. I'm on page 210. 2 My boyfriend has given / gave me a ring for my last birthday. 3 They've bought / bought a new house last month. 4 Have you ever danced / Did you ever dance a tango? 5 My friends have gone / went to a party last weekend.​


Ответ дал: 00Milana



Have you ever seen a Japanese film?
1 I haven't finished  this book. I'm on page 210.

2 My boyfriend gave me a ring for my last birthday.
3 They bought a new house last month.
4 Have you ever danced a tango?

5 My friends went to a party last weekend.​

Ответ дал: Пеппер

Have you ever seen a Japanese film?

I haven't finished this book. I'm on page 210.

My boyfriend  gave me a ring for my last birthday.

They bought a new house last month.

Have you ever danced  a tango?

My friends  went to a party last weekend.​

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