Underline the correct item.
1 Today is a perfect/perfectly day to go on a picnic.
2 The little boy smiled sweet/sweetly at his mother.
3 Marie always dresses smart/smartly for work.
4 Michael got into his car and drove quick/quickly down the street.
5 She was carrying a beautiful/beautifully bouquet of flowers on her wedding day.
6 Final/Finally, he brushed his teeth and went to bed.
7 Vanessa was wearing a pretty/prettily dress at
Tom's party.
8 Sam is a generous/generously man who often gives money to charities.
9 Lisa had a terrible/terribly dream last night. She woke up screaming.
10 Thanks so much for inviting us to the party. We had a great/greatly time.
11 They were talking quiet quietly so I couldn't hear what they were saying.
12 This is a very busy street so you should always cross it careful/carefully.
13 Yoko is fluent/fluently in English.
14 Harry is a very polite/politely young man with good manners.
15 Was your history test easy/easily?


Ответ дал: halifalatif566



1 Today is a perfect day to go on a picnic.

2 The little boy smiled sweetly at his mother.

3 Marie always dresses smartly for work.

4 Michael got into his car and drove quickly down the street.

5 She was carrying a beautifully bouquet of flowers on her wedding day.

6 Finally, he brushed his teeth and went to bed.

7 Vanessa was wearing a pretty dress at Tom's party.

8 Sam is a generous man who often gives money to charities.

9 Lisa had a terrible dream last night. She woke up screaming.

10 Thanks so much for inviting us to the party. We had a great time.

11 They were talking quietly so I couldn't hear what they were saying.

12 This is a very busy street, so you should always cross it carefully.

13 Yoko is fluent in English.

14 Harry is a very polite young man with good manners.

15 Was your history test easy?

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