6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first. Use between two and five words, including the word in capitals.

1 I don’t eat out because it’s too expensive. AVOID
I _____________________ because it’s too expensive.
2 Carla said that Paul had cheated in the exam.
Carla ______________________ in the exam.
3 I’ll only come if you pay for the tickets. UNLESS
I ________________________ for the tickets.
4 Everyone recognises her now because she was on a reality TV show.
People wouldn’t recognise her ___________
____________ on a reality TV show.
5 It was a mistake to spend so much money on this dress!
I ___________________ so much money on
this dress!​


Ответ дал: UmbradeScaal

1 I AVOID EATING OUT because it’s too expensive.

2 Carla ACCUSED PAUL OF CHEATING in the exam.

3 I WON'T COME UNLESS YOU PAY for the tickets.

4 People wouldn’t recognise her IF SHE HADN'T BEEN on a reality TV show.

5 I WISH I HADN'T SPENT so much money on this dress!

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