1.What Ukrainian newspapers do you know?
2.What kind of books do you like?
3.What is your favourite book? Why?
4.What British or American newspapers do you know?
5.What music styles do you know?
6.Name at least 3 Ukrainian magazines for kids.
7.What is more valuable Lo read a book or to watch television?
8.What was the last book you read?
9.What musical instruments do you know?
10.Do you like books/reading? Why/why not?


Ответ дал: werrrrteyyy

1.. "Democratic Ukraine", "The voice of Ukraine"

2. I like reading science fiction аnd classical books

3. My favorite book is Polyanna. I love it for teaching kindness, compassion, helping people, and believing in yourself.

4.·The Washington Post.

·The Times.

·The Independent.

5. Jazz, classical music, rock and pop music

6. "Mommy's sun", "Little fairy", "Hedgehogy"

7. To read books. Because it's better to your imagination,reflections and thinking

8. "Wonderful witch" by Anna Jane

9. Guitar, piano, trumpet, saxophon.

10. I like reading, because for me it's interesting to know new things, characters and stories.

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