The Ant and the Grasshopper It was a lovely summer day. The grasshopper was sitting in the sun, playing his violin. An ant walked by, grunting as he carried an enormous piece of corn on his back. "That corn looks really heavy," said the grasshopper. "Come and play with me instead." The ant was tired and hot. He pointed at a pile of corn. "I can't, this will be my food during winter," he said."There will be less food then, so I must prepare now." The grasshopper laughed. "Why worry about winter?" he said. "It's summer now and there's plenty of food." Soon the weather became very cold and the ground was covered with thick snow and ice. The grasshopper tried to dig, but he couldn't find any food. "Help me, I'm hungry," said the grasshopper to the ant. "Please, can I share your food?" The ant had lots of food and was kind and generous. "I will help you this time," said the ant, and he gave the grasshopper some corn. "But next year I will not help you. You mustn't be lazy and you must prepare for winter!"​



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