Reading text: An email from a friend
Hi Samia, Quick email to say that sounds like a great idea. Saturday is better for me
because I’m meeting my parents on Sunday. So if that’s still good for you, why don’t
you come here? Then you can see the new flat and all the work we’ve done on the
kitchen since we moved in. We can eat at home and then go for a walk in the
afternoon. It’s going to be so good to catch up finally. I want to hear all about your
new job!
Our address is 52 Charles Road, but it’s a bit difficult to find because the house
numbers are really strange here. If you turn left at the post office and keep going past
the big white house on Charles Road, there’s a small side street behind it with the
houses 50–56 in. Don’t ask me why the side street doesn’t have a different name! But
call me if you get lost and I’ll come and get you.
Let me know if there’s anything you do/don’t like to eat. Really looking forward to
seeing you!
See you soon!
Task 1
Are the sentences true or false?
1. Samia and Gregor are going to meet on Saturday.
2. They’re going to have lunch at Gregor’s flat.
3. They haven’t seen each other for a long time.
4. Samia’s life hasn’t changed since they last met.
5. The house is easy to find.
6. Gregor doesn’t know the name of the side street his flat is on.

Task 2
Put the words in order to make sentences.
1. idea. like a great That sounds
2. me. for better is Saturday
3. you Why here? don’t come
4. all about your I want new job. to hear
5. you Call if lost. me get
6. forward to looking you! Really seeing

Grammar exercises.
1.Use the words in brackets to complete each of the following. All the sentences
are in the past simple:

1(you/see) Martin yesterday?
2 I (last/see) him two days ago.
3 He (not/be) at the meeting on Monday because he was away on
4Where (she/go) for her holidays?
5 How long (it/take/you) to drive from Amsterdam to Paris?
6(you/enjoy) your holiday in Italy?
7 I (see) a great film on TV last night.
8 I (not/eat) the food because I wasn't hungry.
9Why (you/not/get) up earlier? You're going to be late.
10Why (you/not/be) at work yesterday? Were you ill?

2. Put the irregular verb in the past simple tense to fill the gaps.
1. I _______________ (buy) some food for lunch.
2. Who _______________ (meet) you at the airport?
3. We all _______________ (have) the same idea.
4. _______________ (do) you speak to Sophie?
5. I _______________ (see) the weather forecast earlier.
6. He _______________ (give) us a lift into town.
7. She _______________ (read) three books in one week!
8. They _______________ (take) a taxi to the hotel.


Ответ дал: islambekishev22


Task 1:

  1. True
  2. True
  3. True
  4. False
  5. False
  6. True

Task 2:

  1. That sounds like a great idea.
  2. Saturday is better for me.
  3. Why don't you come here?
  4. I want to hear all about your new job.
  5. Call me if you get lost.
  6. Really looking forward to seeing you.

Grammar exercises:


  1. Did you see Martin yesterday?
  2. I last saw him two days ago.
  3. He wasn't at the meeting on Monday because he was away on business.
  4. Where did she go for her holidays?
  5. How long did it take you to drive from Amsterdam to Paris?
  6. Did you enjoy your holiday in Italy?
  7. I saw a great film on TV last night.
  8. I didn't eat the food because I wasn't hungry.
  9. Why didn't you get up earlier? You're going to be late.
  10. Why weren't you at work yesterday? Were you ill?

  1. I bought some food for lunch.
  2. Who met you at the airport?
  3. We all had the same idea.
  4. Did you speak to Sophie?
  5. I saw the weather forecast earlier.
  6. He gave us a lift into town.
  7. She read three books in one week!
  8. They took a taxi to the hotel.

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