It’s written in the
Part 1
‘Come in,’ said a voice. Jane Ross opened the door and went into a small room. There was a man sitting behind a table.
‘Good afternoon,’ said Jane. ‘I want to see Madame Yolanda, the fortune-teller.’
‘Madame Yolanda isn’t here today,’ said the man. ‘But don’t worry. I’m going to tell you about your future. What questions do you want to ask?’ Jane looked at the fortune-teller. She couldn’t see him very well because the room was very dark.
Part 3
He turned over the second card.
‘Mm, a house. A new house. you’re going to move, very soon, to another country.’
‘But my boyfriend works here. He can’t move to another country.’
‘Let’s look at the next card,’ said the fortune-teller.
He turned over the third card.
‘A heart. You’re going to fall in love.’ ‘Who with?’ asked Jane.
‘Let me concentrate. I can see a tall dark man. He’s very attractive.’
‘Oh, that’s Jim,’ said Jane.
Who’s Jim? Your boyfriend?’
‘No. Jim’s a man I met at a party last month. He’s an actor, from New York. He says he’s in love with me. It was his idea for me to come to Madame Yolanda.’
‘Well, the card says that you’re going to fall in love with him.’ ‘Are you sure?’ asked Jane. ‘But what about my boyfriend?’ ‘Let’s look at the fourth card,’ said the fortune-teller.
Part 5
The fortune-teller stood up. He turned on the light. At that moment an old woman came in. ‘So, what happened?’ she asked.
‘It was perfect! She believed everything,’ said Jim. ‘I told you, I’m a very good actor. She was sure I was a fortune-teller!’
He gave the woman £100.
‘That’s Jane’s £50 and another £50 from me. Thanks very
much, Madame Yolanda. Bye.’
Madame Yolanda took the money. The fth card was still on the table, face down. She turned it over. It was the plane. She looked at it for a minute and then she shouted:
‘Wait, young man! Don’t travel with that girl – her plane is going to...’
But the room was empty.
1936 составить part 2 и part 4


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Part 2:

Jane hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should trust the man sitting behind the table. The room's darkness added to her unease, but her curiosity got the better of her. She decided to go along with it and ask about her future.

"Well, I have a few questions," Jane began. "First, will I be successful in my career?"

The fortune-teller nodded and flipped over the first card. "Ah, the star," he exclaimed. "Yes, you will achieve great success in your chosen path. Your talents will shine brightly."

Relieved by the positive response, Jane continued, "And what about my family? Will they be healthy and happy?"

The man turned over another card, revealing an image of a family. "Yes, your family will experience joy and harmony. They will be blessed with good health and happiness."

Encouraged by the fortune-teller's answers so far, Jane mustered the courage to ask her most pressing question. "Will I find true love?"

The fortune-teller smiled and turned over the third card. "Ah, the lovers. Yes, love is in your future. You will meet someone who will capture your heart and bring immense happiness into your life."

Part 4:

Jane couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her heart raced as she processed the fortune-teller's words. A new house in another country, falling in love with someone other than her boyfriend. It was all too overwhelming.

"But what about my current relationship?" Jane asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I love my boyfriend, and we've been together for a long time."

The fortune-teller's expression turned serious as he turned over the fourth card. It depicted a fork in the road. "Your path is unclear," he said solemnly. "You will face a difficult decision that will challenge your current relationship. It is up to you to choose the right path."

Conflicted and confused, Jane didn't know what to make of the fortune-teller's revelations. She couldn't dismiss them entirely, but at the same time, she questioned the validity of such predictions. She wondered if she should follow her heart or trust the stability of her current relationship.

Deep in thought, Jane left the room, carrying the weight of the fortune-teller's words with her. Little did she know that the truth behind the fortune-teller's abilities would soon be revealed, and her life would take an unexpected turn.

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