A: Why are you moving the furniture? B: Because I'm going to have (have) a party this evening. 2 A: What are your plans for the summer? B: We ..........(sail) across the Atlantic. 3 A: Did you take out the rubbish? B: Oh, I forgot. I (do) it right now. 4 A: Good morning. Is your mother home? B: Just a minute, please. I (get) her for you. 5 A: Do you have any plans for tonight? B: Yes. I've got tickets to the theatre. I....... (see) the musical Cats. 6 A: What are your plans for the future? B: Hmm... I'm not sure but I...... (probably/go) to university. 7 A: You still haven't got your hair cut! B: I know, I know. I promise I (go) to the hairdresser's tomorrow. 8 A: I don't want to do my homework now. B: Do it now or I (not/let) you go to Mary's party tonight. 9 A: Look at how fast Pam is swimming! B: Yes. I think she (be) a champion when she's older. 10 A: I'm very hungry. B: I (make) you something to eat. 11 A: Why are you dressed in a suit? B: I (meet) a new client. ​


Ответ дал: UmbradeScaal

2. are going to sail

3. will do

4. will get

5. am seeing

6. will probably go

7. will go

8. won't let

9. will be

10. will make

11. am meeting

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