опишите пожалуйста на английском языеке маму папу и младшую сестру с словами handsome, good-looking, pretty attaractive, beautiful, young, middle-agged, old
tall, short, of medium height, fat, plump, well-built, slim, thin, green, blue, grey, big, small
short, long, wavy, curly,, straight, fair, light/dark brown, beard, moustache, full lips, friendly smile, bald, wrinkles​


Ответ дал: advukrain


Here is a description of your family members using the words you provided:

- My mother is beautiful, pretty, and attractive. She is also young and middle-aged. She has long, wavy hair and a friendly smile. She has full lips and no beard or moustache. She is not bald and has no wrinkles.

- My father is handsome, good-looking, and well-built. He is also middle-aged and not bald. He has a beard and a moustache. He has a friendly smile and no wrinkles.

- My younger sister is pretty, attractive, and slim. She is also young. She has short, curly hair and no beard or moustache. She has a friendly smile and no wrinkles.

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