Виконайте граматичне завдання:
1) I’m reading an interesting book at the moment. 2) Tom doesn’t play football this season. 3) What do you usually do on weekends? 4) Tom is getting married next month. 5) Before leaving you must visit the museum. 6) Tom will watch the match tomorrow at this time and the movie will be over till then. 7) He was reading a newspaper when the phone rang, 8) Hello, have you just returned? How long have you been traveling? 9) She promised that she would do it by tomorrow. 10) A new road is being built around the city at the moment. 11) If I knew her number I would call her.

Аноним: что нужно сделать?
maratrowik: яке блать граматичне завдання?


Ответ дал: islambekishev22


  1. I'm currently engrossed in a captivating book.
  2. Tom isn't participating in football this season.
  3. What are your usual weekend activities?
  4. Tom is getting married in the upcoming month.
  5. Prior to your departure, it's essential to visit the museum.
  6. At this time tomorrow, Tom will be watching the match, and the movie will have ended by then.
  7. He was engrossed in reading a newspaper when the phone suddenly rang.
  8. Hi, have you just returned? How long have you been traveling for?
  9. She made a promise to have it completed by tomorrow.
  10. They are currently constructing a new road encircling the city.
  11. If I had her number, I would give her a call.

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