II. Образуйте отрицательную форму: 1. Hob answered all the questions. 2. The boys and girls bathed in the sea every day. 3. Lucille bought a new dress. 4. I drank my cup of tea. 5. The boy took the letter in his hand. 6. The cook made breakfast early in the morning. 7. The students went to Mr. Priestley's house every day. 8. The waiters put the cups on the table. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ ДАЮ 25 БАЛЛОВ ​


Ответ дал: hypefaq

1. Hob didn't answer all the questions.

2. The boys and girls didn't bathe in the sea every day.

3. Lucille didn't buy a new dress.

4. I didn't drink my cup of tea.

5. The boy didn't take the letter in his hand.

6. The cook didn't make breakfast early in the morning.

7. The students didn't go to Mr. Priestley's house every day.

8. The waiters didn't put the cups on the table.

Ответ дал: Daryakudrya


1. Hob didn't answer all the questions.
2. The boys and girls didn't bath in the sea every day.
3. Lucille didn't buy a new dress.
4. I didn't drink my cup of tea.
5. The boy didn't take the letter in his hand.
6. The cook didn't make breakfast early in the morning.
7. The students didn't go to Mr. Priestley's house every day.
8. The waiters didn't put the cups on the table.

hypefaq: ошибка во втором, bath - ванна(существительное), bathe - купаться(глагол)
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