Помогите пожалуйста a day’s wait краткое содержание на англиском


Ответ дал: viktorbalta5



"A Day's Wait" is a short story written by Ernest Hemingway. Here is a brief summary of the story:

The story revolves around a nine-year-old boy named Schatz who lives with his father in a rural area. One day, Schatz becomes ill with a high fever, and his father, who narrates the story, becomes worried about his son's condition.

Schatz tells his father that he read in a book that a person with a temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit could be in danger. However, his father, who is more knowledgeable about illnesses, assures him that a temperature of 102 degrees is not something to worry about.

While Schatz is sick, his father tries to comfort him and give him medicine, but Schatz remains distant and unresponsive. His father assumes that Schatz is just being brave and trying not to complain about the pain.

As the day progresses, Schatz's fever drops, and he starts feeling better. His father, confused by Schatz's behavior, asks him why he was so worried earlier. Schatz explains that he thought his temperature was much higher than his father had believed. He reveals that he misread the information in the book, interpreting Celsius temperatures as Fahrenheit.

Realizing the misunderstanding, Schatz's father feels relieved but also saddened by the fact that his son had believed he was going to die. The story ends with the father reflecting on the innocence and vulnerability of children.

"A Day's Wait" explores themes of miscommunication, fear, and the stark contrast between a child's perception of illness and an adult's understanding.

Ответ дал: dazzleraep
"A Day's Wait" is a short story by Ernest Hemingway.

The story is set on a winter day and revolves around a nine-year-old boy who falls ill with influenza. Misunderstanding his temperature reading due to the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius, the boy believes that he is on the brink of death, as he has heard that a body cannot survive at 44 degrees Celsius.

His father, unaware of his son's mistaken belief, leaves him alone to rest, thinking it's a regular sickness. The boy, feeling isolated, spends the entire day bravely waiting for his death. When his father finally realizes the misunderstanding, he comforts the boy and explains the temperature difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius. This brings relief to the boy, but he is left deeply shaken by the experience.

The story showcases a clear communication gap between father and son and the bravery of the young boy who is prepared to face death alone.
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