c Writing Imagine you are abroad on holiday You are in a ciber café checking your email. Write an email to a friend about your holiday in 150 - 180 words.​

Аноним: Привіт, напиши мені в інсту, кину відповідь, andriicoval


Ответ дал: UmbradeScaal

Dear [Friend],

Greetings from abroad! I hope this email finds you well. I am currently at a cyber café, checking my emails and thought of updating you about my holiday.

Firstly, the trip has been amazing so far! I have seen and experienced so much in such a short time. The highlight of my trip has been exploring the local markets and trying the local cuisine. The food here is simply amazing and I have fallen in love with the local delicacies.

The weather has been perfect, sunny and warm which makes it perfect for outdoor activities. I have gone for a few hikes and visited some charming local villages. The scenery here is breathtaking and the local people are incredibly friendly and welcoming.

Overall, I am having an amazing time on this trip. I have learned so much about the culture, met new people, and made lasting memories. I cannot wait to see what the rest of the trip has in store for me.

I hope you are having a great time back home and I cannot wait to catch up with you when I return.

Take care,

[Your Name]

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