kfast 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY Read the article. Circle a, b, or c. How to deal with neighbours nois sy Noisy neighbours C/C a problem. They often play loud music or they noisy parties at night. So, what can you! When you have noisy neighbours? First, try to talk to them about the go to their house when the music is on: wait until it's quiet. When you speak to them, but say exactly how you feel, your musie, but I can't study when it's very loud. If they' listen to you, write them a letter. Tell them again how you feel. If the noise doesn't stop, you' police. Call the police when your neighbours are a lot of noise. Then, they can see- - the problem when they get to your house. 1 a am 2 a do 3 a do 4 a Doesn't 5 a angry 6 a 'm loving 7 a doesn't 8 a like 9 a making 10 a look b have b doing b Don't b hungry b love b not b need b makes € make e to do Not tired e loves C want e hear​


Аноним: Привіт, напиши мені в інсту, кину відповідь, andriicoval


Ответ дал: tenmilana67


1. c. 6. b

2. b 7. c

3. a 8. b

4. b 9. a

5. a 10. c


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