Complete the sentences with the correct first conditional forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. If all the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic region ... (to melt), sea levels ... (to rise) and cause terrible floods.
2. If we ... (not to stop) the destruction of forests, our climate ... (to change)
and cause natural disasters including flooding, drought and famine.
3. If we ... (not to restore) an ecological balance on our planet, we ... (not to leave) our earth clean and healthy for future generations.
4. If we ... (to plant trees), we ... (to reduce) air pollution.
5. If we ... (not to educate) public about the importance of nature protecting, we ... (to destroy) our planet.
6. The animals ... (to disappear) if we ... (not to protect) them and places they live in.
7. If we ... (not to begin) to change our behaviour, we ... (not to have) the world to live.


Ответ дал: scorpiodeusp71f99
1. melts; will rise (после if мы ставим Present Simple, далее идёт Future Simple).
2. don’t stop; will change (после if мы ставим Present Simple, далее идёт Future Simple).
3. don’t restore; will not leave (после if мы ставим Present Simple, далее идёт Future Simple).
4. plant; will reduce (после if мы ставим Present Simple, далее идёт Future Simple).
5. don’t educate; will destroy (после if мы ставим Present Simple, далее идёт Future Simple).
6. will disappear; don’t protect (здесь главная часть будет до if, поэтому ставим future simple. После if идёт придаточная часть. Её мы оформляем во времени present simple).
7. don’t begin; won’t have (после if мы ставим Present Simple, далее идёт Future Simple).
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