1. Into, the Thames, parts, Northern, two, which, and, divides, Southern, the city.
2. One, London’s, streets, of, Regent Street, most, shopping, is, fashionable.
3.Victories, to Napoleon, there is, for, against, a monument, his, Admiral Nelson, in Trafalgar Square, the war, in.
4. The clock, which, Britain, the famous, time, from, in, Big Ben, people, take, is, all.
5.Is, with, centre, London, Soho, night clubs, of, the entertainment, restaurants, music-halls.
6. Took, the well-known, architect, carry out, Christopher Wren, to plan, this, it, plan, building, of, 35 years, and, English, cathedral, his.
7. the goods, of, is, London, London, the East End, the hands, of, the West End, and, is.
8. Of, collection, and, the British Museum, in, the library, the world, one, books, of, manuscripts, is, the largest, of.
9. Range, which, on, 1824, the National Gallery, opened, a wonderful, were, the 10th, offers, of, public, of, May, to, pictures.
10.Periods, British, painting, all, of, the Tate Gallery, the national, collection, of, is.



Ответ дал: mariadenisuk179


1. The Thames divides the city of London into two parts, Northern and Southern.

2. Regent Street is one of London's most fashionable shopping streets.

3. There is a monument to Admiral Nelson in Trafalgar Square for his victories against Napoleon in the war.

4. Big Ben is a famous clock in Britain that people take time from.

5. Soho is the centre of entertainment in London, with night clubs, music-halls and restaurants.

6. Christopher Wren, a well-known English architect, took 35 years to plan and carry out the building of this cathedral.

7. London is divided into the East End and the West End, with the goods being in the former and the hands in the latter.

8. The British Museum houses the largest collection of books and manuscripts in the world, in addition to its library.

9. The National Gallery, which opened in 1824, offers a wonderful range of pictures to the public on the 10th of May.

10. The Tate Gallery houses the national collection of British painting from all periods.

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