1) He is very busy now. This work _____ be done at once.
a) mustn't to
b) can't
c) could to
d) should to
2) You are quite right. These results _____ to be examined thoroughly.
a) must
b) should
c) have
d) can
3) --- Is there anybody at home? --- Mary _____ be at home. The light is on.
a) must
b) have to
c) can to
d) is able to
4) Let's wait a little. He _____ soon.
a) may have come
b) may come
c) could have come
d) might have come
5) How _____ she say such awful things?
a) may
b) should
c) must
d) can
6) Drunk-driving _____ result in a heavy fine or imprisonment.
a) should
b) may
c) had to
d) is able to


Ответ дал: khryss

Відповідь: 1.b) 2.c) 3.a) 4.b) 5.d) 6.b)


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