Exercise 1. Составьте предложения по образцу, используя модальные глаголы can, could.

Example: I couldn’t skate last winter, but now I can skate well.
1. ...... repeat sentences after the recorded voice.
2. ...... read and speak two foreign languages.
3. ...... play the guitar (the piano).
4. ...... read foreign literature in the original.
5. ...... cook dishes of fish.

Exercise 2. Измените предложения, употребив be able (to) в соответствующей видовременной форме.

Example: I can see you later ... (when you return). I’ll be able to see you when you return.
1. Ann can cook well ... (when she has had more practice).
2. She can’t believe you ... (unless you tell her the truth).
3. Lena can speak fluent English ... (after she has had some lessons).
4. he people from the village can’t reach the house ... (until it stops raining).
5. You can study medicine ... (if you enter that college).

Exwecise 3. Откройте скобки, употребив must или mustn’t.

1. We haven’t got much time. We (...) hurry.
2. Tom gave me a letter to mail. I (...) forget to do it.
3. This book is very valuable. You (...) handle it very carefully and you (...) damage it in any way.
4. Your aunt is badly ill. You (...) go and visit her.
5. Don’t tell anybody. We (...) keep it to ourselves.

Exercise 4. Дополните следующие предложения, используя must.

1. If you want to know English well, you ...
2. If he wants to skate well, you ...
3. If you are unwell, you...
4. If the students want to know grammar, they ...
5. If you want to come in time, you ...


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


2.1. Ann will be able to cook well when she has had ..

2. She won't be able to believe you unless you tell ..

3. Lena will be able to speak fluent English after she ....

4. The people from the village won't be able to reach  the house untill...

5. You will be able to study medicine if you enter...

3.1. ... . We must hurry

2. ... . I mustn't forget to do it.

3. .... . You make st...; ... mustn't damage it.

4. ... . You must go and visit her

5. .... . Wer must keep it to ourselves.


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