Complete the sentences with one word.(Завершите предложения одним словом.)
1) Which company ______ you work for?
2) _______ you leaving now? It’s really early.
3) What time _______ Samantha get up yesterday
4) This car isn’t ______ reliable as the other one I
5) Today’s lesson was great. It was _______ more
interesting than yesterday’s.
6) There were only a _____ people in the centre.
It was very quiet.
7) I’ve ______ eaten meat. I’ve been a vegetarian
all my life.
8) Andy doesn’t have ______ money to buy the
laptop he wants.
9) I’m thinking ______ going to Mexico next
10) Sarah and Jill are _____ very out-going.
Neither of them are quiet!


Ответ дал: Пеппер

1) Which company do you work for?

2) Are you leaving now? It's really early.

3) What time did Samantha get up yesterday morning?

4) This car isn`t more reliable than the one I had.

5) Today's lesson was great. It was much more  interesting than yesterday.

6) There were only a few people in the center. It was very quiet.

7) I`ve never eaten meat. I`ve been a vegetarian all my life.

8) Andy doesn't have enough money to buy the laptop he wants.

9) I’m thinking about going to  Mexico next summer.

10) Sarah and Jill are both very sociable. Neither of them are quiet!

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