A-Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:- 1- My brother will ---to school next year. 2- Who ------------you play football with tomorrow? 3- In 2025, Ali is going to ---------------- to England. 4- Ali won't ---------------at that restaurant next month. went - going) will did) 14- My father is 15- My brother ------ go (would (flies - ies - fly-flew) (work worked will is was) had 5- My sister ------- going to study English next year. 6- We aren't going to--- 7- Where will you 8- Tomorrow, I am going to-- 9- Next month my friends -------------going to visit Makkah. 10- When is your father going to --------------a new car? 11- My brother ---------- finish this homework tonight. 12- Next Friday, we will----------------------all our friends in the party. you buy your new computer? --------------to stay out late tomorrow because he is busy. -going to write any e-mails next week. 13- Where------------- ----our breakfast at restaurant tomorrow. next week? football with my friends. goes go went (play - playing - played) ( were are will) (didn't (will working ) (bought won't saw - see-seeing) are - were ) go have having) (isn't buy-buying) aren't) going went doesn't didn't​

Аноним: hello
lubovabdualieva: Не разобрать толком
lubovabdualieva: 1. My brother will go to school next year.
nastybessarab2703: я могу зделать другую фотку
nastybessarab2703: но я не знаю как отправить ..
lubovabdualieva: Я тоже не знаю как это делается
nastybessarab2703: хммм
lubovabdualieva: 10. When is your father going to buy a new car?
lubovabdualieva: 2. Who will you play football with tomorrow?
lubovabdualieva: 5. My sister is going to study English next year.


Ответ дал: islambekishev22


1- My brother will go to school next year.

2- Who will you play football with tomorrow?

3- In 2025, Ali is going to go to England.

4- Ali won't work at that restaurant next month.

5- My sister is going to study English next year.

6- We aren't going to stay out late tomorrow because he is busy.

7- Where will you have your breakfast at the restaurant tomorrow?

8- Tomorrow, I am going to play football with my friends.

9- Next month my friends are going to visit Makkah.

10- When is your father going to buy a new car?

11- My brother will finish his homework tonight.

12- Next Friday, we will see all our friends in the party.

13- Where did you go next week?

14- My father isn't going to work at that restaurant next month.

15- My brother didn't fly to England.

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