Complete the text with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.(Дополните текст правильной формой
глаголов в квадратных скобках)
Seven years ago, while she ______ (work)
part-time in a hospital, Emily ______
(become) interested in medicine. However, she
_____ (not want) to be a doctor, so
she _____ (decide) to study Pharmacy
at Liverpool University. She ______
(leave) university three years ago and now
she _____ (have) a job with a large
pharmaceutical company in Germany. At the
moment, she _____ (do) research into
pain-killing drugs. Next month, she _____
(go) to Paris to present her research findings at an
important conference. She _____ (never /
speak) at a major conference before, so she is
nervous and excited. She ______ (need) to
do a lot of preparation for her talk.


Ответ дал: kokosik699


Seven years ago, while she was working part-time in a hospital, Emily became interested in medicine.

However, she didn't want to be a doctor, so she decided to study Pharmacy at Liverpool University.

She left university three years ago and now she has a job with a large pharmaceutical company in Germany.

At the moment, she is doing research into pain-killing drugs.

Next month, she is going to Paris to present her research findings at an important conference.

She has never spoken at a major conference before, so she is nervous and excited. She needs to do a lot of preparation for her talk.


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