1 Basic vocabulary 1 Match the situations with the feelings below: 1. I didn't understand any of the questions. 2. A huge dog came running towards me. 3. We're taking the kids to the zoo on Saturday. 4. I've got my driving test tomorrow. 5. I've been up since half past five. 6. I forgot my Dad's birthday again. 7. My Mum and Dad arrived at the club and started dancing! 8. You only say you don't like Steve because you haven't got a boyfriend. a. I'm starting to feel really tired. b. You're just jealous. c. I was really scared. d. I was really confused. e. I feel so guilty. f. I'm really nervous. g. They're really excited. h. I was so embarrassed.​
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Ответ дал: Levxboxggg

Ответ:d. I was really confused - Matched with "I didn't understand any of the questions."

c. I was really scared - Matched with "A huge dog came running towards me."

g. They're really excited - Matched with "We're taking the kids to the zoo on Saturday."

f. I'm really nervous - Matched with "I've got my driving test tomorrow."

a. I'm starting to feel really tired - Matched with "I've been up since half past five."

e. I feel so guilty - Matched with "I forgot my Dad's birthday again."

h. I was so embarrassed - Matched with "My Mum and Dad arrived at the club and started dancing!"

b. You're just jealous - Matched with "You only say you don't like Steve because you haven't got a boyfriend.


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