4 Choose the correct item. four glasses on the table. B There is 1 8 2 A It is elephants swim? A Does B Can 3 This is....... pen. A my B mine 4 Birds....... fly. A can B have 6 It's raining! 5 She ....... a doll. A haven't B doesn't have C hasn't A Don't B Let's 7 That jacket is..... A her B hers A Don't B Let's C There are the dishes, please! C Have C yours C can't your umbrella! C Take C my C Wash A Can 10 Those toys are 12 you play the guitar? 11 He....... two brothers. A have 13 That is A Tom A Oliver B Oliver's C Olivers 16 A There are 15 Please. A don't B Have C Does 14 Susie..... A hasn't ****** an apple in my bag. B It is B hasn't C has C There is toy train. B Tom's C Toms ride a horse. B can't C isn't shout! The baby's sleeping. B let's C do ten children in the classroom. C There is A There are B It is 6 Comp 1 Mum usually. 2 Look! He 3 He 4 Listen! Dad. 5 She 6 The dolphins 7 Mum 8 Dad 9 He always 10 She usually 11 12 He 13 7 Look a​

lubovabdualieva: There are four glasses on the table.
lubovabdualieva: This is my pen.
lubovabdualieva: Birds can fly.
lubovabdualieva: She doesn't have a doll.
lubovabdualieva: That jacket is hers.
lubovabdualieva: По фото легче
alis20110720: ок


Ответ дал: sadcrystalflower


1. There are four glasses on the table. (B)

2. Can elephants swim? (A)

3. This is my pen. (A)

4. Birds can fly. (A)

5. She has a doll. (B)

6. That jacket is hers. (A)

7. Don't wash the dishes, please! (C)

8. Take your umbrella! (C)

9. Can you play the guitar? (A)

10. He has two brothers. (A)

11. That is Oliver's toy train. (C)

12. There are ten children in the classroom. (A)

13. Susie hasn't got an apple in my bag. (B)

14. It isn't Tom's toy train. (C)

15. Please, don't shout! The baby's sleeping. (A)

16. Look! There are six computers. (A)

Note: There seems to be some missing options or incomplete sentences in the provided choices, so I have selected the correct option based on the context

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