9*** Complete the sentences. Use what you think might be the consequences of these situations. 50 years from now ... 1 If scientists invent cars that run without petrol, 2 If time travel becomes possible, 3 If there are 10 billion people on earth, 4 If computers can speak all languages, 5 If people can fly to Mars in 24 hours, suces with when I as soon​


Ответ дал: UmbradeScaal

1. If scientists invent cars that run without petrol, there may be a significant reduction in air pollution. Also, the cost of transportation could be reduced, leading to cheaper and more affordable travel for all. However, oil companies could potentially face big losses, and there may be major changes in the job market as a result.

2. If time travel becomes possible, it could change our understanding of history completely. Some people might try to go back in time to change events that have already happened, which could have unforeseen consequences for the future. Moreover, it raises ethical and moral dilemmas about changing the past and what we can and should do with that power.

3. If there are 10 billion people on Earth, there could be a strain on resources, such as food and water, as well as issues with overcrowding and pollution. People may be forced to live in smaller spaces, and there could be increased competition for jobs and education.

4. If computers can speak all languages, it could make communication between people much easier and efficient. Businesses and organizations could expand into new countries more easily, leading to more global cooperation and commerce. However, it could also lead to job losses for translators and interpreters.

5. If people can fly to Mars in 24 hours, it could revolutionize space exploration and open up new possibilities for colonizing other planets. However, the technology required to achieve this would need to be advanced, and there could be health risks associated with traveling in space for long periods of time.

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