2. Transform the sentences using Participles.
1. I’ve got my lunch which was waiting for me here.
2. Eliza who was excited by his words moved along the street.
3. Stephen, who had been listening to the unspoken speech behind the words, said nothing.
4. Peter seated himself in a leather chair which faced the desk.
5. When he said so, he grasped the map firmly with both hands.
6. When he hailed the taxi, he got in and told the driver to drive to Oxford Street.
7. Howden nodded when he took another chocolate cake.
8. She moved away as she felt slightly embarrassed.
9. The word which came from the very bottom of his soul, broke up the dinner.
10. Clare was silent, and Sir Lawrence, watching her, thought: “Attractive, but a lot of naughty temper.”
11. John had enormous black eyes which were framed in velvety lashes and eyebrows.
12. He pointed at the vessel which was lying at the wharves.
13. Then I walked slowly down the drive away from the house as I intended to wait by the gate.
14. He got a seat rather far back in the upper boxes, but as his sight was very good, he saw quite well.
15. She moved away as she was slightly embarrassed.


Ответ дал: Davinchii

Transform the sentences using Participles.

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