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Task 1 (10 points).

Open the brackets using Present Continuous.

Their sister (stand) at the table. _____________________________
We (to learn) French words. _________________________________
Sam and Richard (not go) to the library. _________________________________
Dave (to study) Biology. _____________________________
Tina (lie) on the sofa. _________________________________
Thomas and Steve (walk) in the park. _________________________________
Diana (have) lunch? _________________________________
I (clean) my bedroom. _________________________________
Robert (to read) a newspaper. _________________
The dog (not lie) in front of the fireplace. _________________________________


Ответ дал: dianakrakow2022


Their sister standed at the table.

We learned French words.

Sam and Richard didnt go to the library.

Dave stydyed Bioligy.

Thomas and Steve walked in the park.

Diana haves lunch?

I cleaned my bedroom.

Robert readed a newspaper.

Ответ дал: taratan38
1. is standing
are learning

is studying
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