Task 2 (6 points).

Fill in the gaps with the following words or word combinations: аnswer, water, the table, wash up, their parents, clean, for a picnic, vacuum.

After school children usually help __________.
I don’t want to __________ the phone calls!
John's father usually lays __________ before breakfast.
Albert doesn’t like to lay __________ after dinner.
His family goes __________ on Sunday.
Ann's grandmother likes to __________ plants and trees in her garden.
Ron's parents told him to __________ the living room.
Every Saturday I have to __________ the carpet in the sitting room.


Read the sentences carefully and complete them with the given words. Внимательно прочитайте предложения и постарайтесь дополнить их словами из списка.
You can do the task in several ways: you can rewrite the whole sentences, or you can write the words or word combinations you have inserted. Вы можете выполнить это задание несколькими способами: переписать предложения полностью или просто написать вставленные слова или словосочетания.
If you rewrite the whole sentences, highlight the words you have inserted. Если вы перепишете предложения полностью, не забудьте выделить слова, которые вы вставили.
For this task, you can get 6 points: 0.75 points for each correct answer. За данное задание вы можете получить 6 баллов: 0,75 балла за каждый правильный ответ.

Task 3 (8 points).

Fill in the prepositions in, on or at.

___ Thursday, ___ Sunday
___ May, ___ December
___ Christmas, ___ Easter
___Wednesday night, ___Monday evening
___ ten o'clock, ___ 5 a.m.
___ 1935, ___ 1576
___ 5th June, ___ 21st October
___the weekend, ___ night


Read the phrases carefully and complete them with the correct prepositions. Внимательно прочитайте фразы и дополните их правильными предлогами.
Revise the topic “Prepositions of time”. Повторите тему “Prepositions of time”.
For this task, you can get 8 points: 0.5 points for each correct preposition. За данное задание вы можете получить 8 баллов: 0,5 балла за каждый правильно вписанный предлог.

Task 4 (10 points).

Match the names of the professions (1–10) with their descriptions (a–j).

1) a police officer

2) а doctor

3) a cook

4) a farmer

5) a dentist

6) a firefighter

7) a seller

8) a teacher

9) a housewife
10) a pilot

a) works at a shop

b) helps sick people get well

c) flies planes

d) makes food at restaurants

e) catches criminals

f) teaches students

g) grows fruit and vegetables

h) fights fire

i) treats people’s teeth

j) cleans the house, looks after children, makes food


Read the words carefully and match them with their description. Внимательно прочитайте слова и соотнесите их с описанием.
Revise the topic “Jobs+common verbs” and use a dictionary to check your answers. Повторите тему “Jobs+common verbs” и воспользуйтесь словарём для проверки своих ответов.
For this task, you can get 10 points: 1 point for each correct description. За данное задание вы можете получить 10 баллов: 1 балл за каждое описание.

Task 5 (10 points).

Fill in the gaps using the words from the list: dry, hot, shining, forecast, thunderstorm, day, cold, wet, clouds, storm.

It’s very _________ Take your umbrella when you go to school.
A _________ is an extreme weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain, and often thunder and lightning.
Look at those dark _________.
The Arctic is the _________ area around the North Pole.
Samantha has _________ red hair.
A desert is an area, often covered with sand or rocks. It’s very _________ there.
A _________ is a storm with thunder and lightning and usually heavy rain.
It’s a wonderful _________ today, isn’t it?
It is very _________ in Egypt in summer.
People watch the weather _________ if they want to know about the weather.


Read the sentences carefully and complete them with the given words. Внимательно прочитайте предложения и постарайтесь дополнить их правильными словами из условия.
You can do the task in several ways: you can rewrite the whole sentences, or you can write the possessive adjectives you have inserted. Вы можете выполнить это задание несколькими способами: переписать предложения полностью или просто написать вставленные притяжательные прилагательные.
If you rewrite the whole sentences, highlight the words you have inserted. Если вы перепишете предложения полностью, не забудьте выделить слова, которые вы вставили.
For this task, you can get 10 points: 1 point for each correct answer. За данное задание вы можете получить 10 баллов: 1 балл за каждый правильный ответ.


Ответ дал: UmbradeScaal

Task 2 (6 баллов).

В этом задании нам нужно дополнить предложения из заданного списка слов. Внимательно читайте предложения, чтобы правильно выбрать нужное слово.

1. After school children usually help their parents.

2. I don’t want to answer the phone calls!

3. John's father usually lays the table before breakfast.

4. Albert doesn’t like to lay water after dinner.

5. His family goes for a picnic on Sunday.

6. Ann's grandmother likes to clean plants and trees in her garden.

7. Ron's parents told him to wash up the living room.

8. Every Saturday I have to vacuum the carpet in the sitting room.

Task 3 (8 баллов).

В этом задании нам нужно выбрать правильные предлоги для заполнения пропусков в предложениях.

1. On Thursday, on Sunday.

2. In May, in December.

3. At Christmas, at Easter.

4. On Wednesday night, on Monday evening.

5. At ten o'clock, at 5 a.m.

6. In 1935, in 1576.

7. On 5th June, on 21st October.

8. At the weekend, at night.

Task 4 (10 баллов).

В этом задании нам нужно соотнести профессии с их описанием.

1) e) a police officer — catches criminals

2) b) а doctor — helps sick people get well

3) d) a cook — makes food at restaurants

4) g) a farmer — grows fruit and vegetables

5) i) a dentist — treats people’s teeth

6) h) a firefighter — fights fire

7) a) a seller — works at a shop

8) f) a teacher — teaches students

9) j) a housewife — cleans the house, looks after children, makes food

10) c) a pilot — flies planes

Task 5 (10 баллов).

В этом задании нам нужно выбрать слова из списка, чтобы заполнить пропуски в предложениях. Какие слова использовать, можно определить из контекста предложения.

1. It’s very wet. Take your umbrella when you go to school.

2. A thunderstorm is an extreme weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain, and often thunder and lightning.

3. Look at those dark clouds.

4. The Arctic is the cold area around the North Pole.

5. Samantha has shining red hair.

6. A desert is an area, often covered with sand or rocks. It’s very hot there.

7. A storm is a storm with thunder and lightning and usually heavy rain.

8. It’s a wonderful day today, isn’t it?

9. It is very hot in Egypt in summer.

10. People watch the weather forecast if they want to know about the weather.

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