a) Yes, I likes b) Yes, I like e) Yes, I does d) Yes, I do 35. "Where is Mary?" - "She over there." a) is stand b) is standing c) stand d) standing 36. I'm hungry. something to eat, please. a) I like b) I'd want e) I'd like d) I'm like 37. He born in 1963 in Spain. a) had b) is c) was d) did 38. Switzerland is than Britain. a) as small b) smallest c) more small d) smaller 39. Motor racing is the sport in the world. a) most expensive b) expensivest c) more expensive d) as expensive 40. He passed his English exam very a) easy b) easier c) good d) easily 41. "When you go to the USA?" - "Last year." a) did b) was c) went d) have 42. "Did she stay with friends?" - a) No, she didn't b) No, she didn't stay c) No, she stayed not d) No, she didn't stayed 43. She's never to New York. a) gone b) was c) been d) went 44. "I haven't got any money." - "Never mind. a) I'll get b) I'm getting c) I get d) I'd get 45. you ever visited London? some from the bank." a) Did b) Do c) Were d) Have 46. He's learning a lorry. a) to drive b) driving c) drive d) the driving 47. I can't stand in hot weather. a) to walk b) walking c) walk d) to walking 48. He smokes more than ten cigarettes a) by day b) the day c) in day d) a day 49. Let's go somewhere else. There's a) too many b) too much e) enough d) too 50. It's a very long day for Jack. He doesn't get home from school a) since b) to c) towards d) until 51. They usually noise in this room. at home but today they six o'clock. lunch in a restaurant.​


Ответ дал: AnnaBerezan



b) is standing

c) I'd like

c) was

d) smaller

a) most expensive

d) easily

a) did

a) No, she didn't

c) been

a) I'll get

a) Did

a) to drive

b) walking

d) a day

d) too

d) until

b) make

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