Circle the correct answer. 1) We... TV when it started to rain. a) watch b) watching 2) I wanted to visit you yesterday, but you ... not at home. a) is b) are c) was 3) Look! It ..., so we can't go to the beach. a) to rain b) rains 5) The sun... in the East. b) rise a) to rise c) were watching d) watched 4) While he was in the shower, his dogs... his steaks. a) eat b) eats c) ate 8) Wait a minute, I... this box for you. b) 'll carry a) carry c) is raining 6) Since 2003 they... their son every year. b) visits a) visiting 9) She... her left arm two weeks ago. a) broke b) have broken c) rises - c) visited c) am carry c) is broken 10) I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up! -I... you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up. a) make b) making c) 'll make 7) After Larry... the film on TV, he decided to buy the book. a) see b) saw c) have seen 11) Last I... my elder sister in April, and it's June already! a) see b) saw c) have seen d) were 12) Listen! There's someone at the door. I ... open. a) 'm b) was c) 'll d) rain d) eaten d) risen d) have visited d) had seen d) have carry d) had broken d) have made d) was seeing d) 've​


Ответ дал: UmbradeScaal

Question 1: The correct answer is "watched" because it is the past tense of "watch".

Question 2: The correct answer is "was" because it is the past tense of "am" and the correct verb to use in singular past tense.

Question 3: The correct answer is "is raining" because it is the present continuous tense and describes an action that is currently happening.

Question 4: The correct answer is "ate" because it is the past tense of "eat".

Question 5: The correct answer is "rises" because it is the present tense of "rise" and describes a general truth.

Question 6: The correct answer is "have visited" because it is the present perfect tense and describes an action that started in the past and continues to the present.

Question 7: The correct answer is "saw" because it is the simple past tense of "see".

Question 8: The correct answer is "'ll carry" because it is the future tense of "carry".

Question 9: The correct answer is "broke" because it is the past tense of "break".

Question 10: The correct answer is "'ll make" because it is the future tense of "make".

Question 11: The correct answer is "saw" because it is the simple past tense of "see".

Question 12: The correct answer is "'m" because it is the present tense of "be".

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