Текст: Lazy Jack.
Put the sentences in the right order.
1) The young lady burst out laughing.
2) Every day of the week Jack went out to work
3) Jack put the donkey on his soulders and walked home.
4) At last the mother didn't know what to do about her lazy son
6) The rich man's daughter looked out of the window
7) Every day Jack got something for his work
8) Jack loved doing nothing
9) One day Jack got a donkey for his work


Ответ дал: UmbradeScaal

9) One day Jack got a donkey for his work.

2) Every day of the week Jack went out to work.

7) Every day Jack got something for his work.

3) Jack put the donkey on his shoulders and walked home.

4) At last the mother didn't know what to do about her lazy son.

8) Jack loved doing nothing.

6) The rich man's daughter looked out of the window.

1) The young lady burst out laughing.

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