39. Ask and answer the questions. Use the words in brackets. t 1. Why Tony (not to go) to the seaside this morning? (to be busy) 2. Which of your friends (not to leave) Kyiv for the country last summer? (Olga) 3. What museum Rose (to visit) today? (the National Museum of the Histo- ry of Ukraine) 4. Why Lorry (not to bathe) in the river yesterday afternoon? (to be ill) 5. What they (to gather) in the forest the day before yesterday? (nuts)​


Ответ дал: tsvigunizolda
Why didn't Tony go to the seaside this morning? (He was busy.)
Tony didn't go to the seaside this morning because he was busy.
Which of your friends didn't leave Kyiv for the country last summer? (Olga)
Olga didn't leave Kyiv for the country last summer.
What museum did Rose visit today? (the National Museum of the History of Ukraine)
Rose visited the National Museum of the History of Ukraine today.
Why didn't Lorry bathe in the river yesterday afternoon? (She was ill)
Lorry didn't bathe in the river yesterday afternoon because she was ill.
What did they gather in the forest the day before yesterday? (nuts)
They gathered nuts in the forest the day before yesterday.

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