Inser the required prepositions.
So she thought ... a plan to put off the wedding. One was to be golden....the sun,the second was to be silver....the moon,and the third sparkle ....the stars. She also asked ... a fur cloak.... a hood made .... a thousand different skins ... a thousand different animals.​

Аноним: Привіт, напиши мені в інсту, кину відповідь, andriicoval


Ответ дал: valenta0907

Here is the text with the prepositions inserted:

So she thought of a plan to put off the wedding. One was to be as golden as the sun, the second was to be as silver as the moon, and the third to sparkle like the stars. She also asked for a fur cloak with a hood made of a thousand different skins from a thousand different animals.

I hope this helps! ;)

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