*Complete the sentences with the words below.
be don't hand in if might might not goes out
1 ___you heat water to 100°C, it boils.
2 She gets angry if you__your homework on time.
3 If I press this button, the light___.
4 Liverpool aren't playing very well. They__win.
5 Wear a hat, scarf and gloves. It__snow.
6 Sandra isn't at home. She___in town.
пжпж дам 20б​



Ответ дал: sadcrystalflower


1. If you heat water to 100°C, it boils.

2. She gets angry if you don't hand in your homework on time.

3. If I press this button, the light goes out.

4. Liverpool aren't playing very well. They might not win.

5. Wear a hat, scarf and gloves. It might snow.

6. Sandra isn't at home. She might be in town.

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