Task 2. Make up general and special questions. 1. Last year he didn't go to the South because of the exams. 2. They came to visit his friend yesterday. 3. He went to the concert two days ago. 4. He had breakfast at 8.30. 5. His mother came to his school and had a long conversation with his teacher. 6. These students were usually late for their lectures last year because they had transport problems. 7. She didn't tell him the truth. 8. He wanted to learn the whole story. 9. Robert took his driving test last week. 10. No one wanted to learn the truth: everyone was afraid.


Ответ дал: fctdgsygfdhngfxzgsac

General Question: Why didn't he go to the South last year?

Special Question: What was the reason he didn't go to the South last year?

General Question: When did they come to visit his friend?

Special Question: Who did they come to visit yesterday?

General Question: When did he go to the concert?

Special Question: How long ago did he go to the concert?

General Question: What time did he have breakfast?

Special Question: When did he have breakfast?

General Question: What did his mother do at his school?

Special Question: Who did his mother have a long conversation with at his school?

General Question: Why were these students usually late for their lectures last year?

Special Question: What was the cause of their transport problems last year?

General Question: What did she not do?

Special Question: Whom did she not tell the truth?

General Question: What did he want to learn?

Special Question: What was his intention regarding the whole story?

General Question: When did Robert take his driving test?

Special Question: How long ago did Robert take his driving test?

General Question: What were people afraid of?

Special Question: What was the reason for everyone's fear of learning the truth?

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