4 Circle the correct word.
0 I’m Ann and me / my / you brother’s name is Tim.
1 My family and I are Chinese but your / our / us
home is in Canada.
2 Spiders are ugly and I hate they / it / them!
3 This cat is brown but that / those cats are white.
4 Ewa / Ewa’s eyes are blue, not brown.
5 Are there a / any lions in India?


Ответ дал: abonte

0 I’m Ann and my brother’s name is Tim.

1. My family and I are Chinese but our home is in Canada.

2. Spiders are ugly and I hate them!

3. This cat is brown but those cats are white.

4. Ewa’s eyes are blue, not brown.

5. Are there any lions in India?

Ответ дал: сок111213

0 I’m Ann and my brother’s name is Tim.

1 My family and I are Chinese but our home is in Canada.

2 Spiders are ugly and I hate them!

3 This cat is brown but those cats are white.

4 Ewa's eyes are blue, not brown.

5 Are there any lions in India?

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