Fill in the where necessary.
1)_Geneva is 2)_second biggest city in 3) Switzerland. It is located next to
4)_Lake Geneva and near 5) Rhone River. 6). Alps and 7)_Jura mountain
ranges are on either side of it. In 8)_winter it is very cold and temperatures may
reach -10 C with lots of frost and ice in 9)_mornings but in 10)_summer it is hot
and humid.

Аноним: Привіт, напиши мені в інсту, кину відповідь, andriicoval


Ответ дал: fctdgsygfdhngfxzgsac

Geneva is the second biggest city in Switzerland. It is located next to

Lake Geneva and near the Rhone River. The Alps and the Jura mountain ranges are on either side of it. In winter, it is very cold and temperatures may reach -10°C with lots of frost and ice in the mornings, but in summer, it is hot and humid.

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