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Ответ дал: nekron27
Название: doy and newspaper.

Yesterday, a boy decided to read a newspaper. He always sees his father, who reads a new newspaper every morning. Do he has spent for reading about 30 minutes. It’s not a lot, but it was enough to motivate a boy to write his own newspaper.
Soon he began to write. On the first page he wrote about his mom and dad. They are still not married, which is quite strange. He made her a marriage proposal and gave her a ring. A boy apse mentioned that in this day his friends celebrated birthday of his best friend, but a boy was not motioned.
On the next page he wrote about love story of a dog and an eagle. They have lived in an old castle which is surrounded by the forest. It was also too strange. He stopped on this and decided to show his own newspaper to his parents.
The next day he took things to the orphanage.
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